
This is a list of grants I have won or have been involved with

2020-2022 Cultural Analytics
A data scientist role in a cross-functional team working on a Digital Humanities project supported by a Russian Foundation for Basic Research grant (Project No. 20-411-720010; title: *Cultural Trends in the Tyumen Region in the National and Global Contexts*)
2017-2019 Translation studies
A Principal Investigator in a project *Linguistic properties of translations: descriptive norms and translation quality estimation (based on English-to-Russian mass-media texts)* supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Project No. 17-06-00107)
2014 Corpus building
a travel grant from British council and a research visit to the Leeds University to work on a contribution to the MeLLANGE project.
a researcher role in a project supervised by Natalia Belozerova, University of Tyumen (Russia)